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Le hammam luxueux du Palais Rhoul Ć  Dakhla incarne l'Ć©lĆ©gance et le raffinement. Les murs revĆŖtus de mosaĆÆques aux teintes chaleureuses crĆ©ent une atmosphĆØre apaisante. La lumiĆØre tamisĆ©e illumine les colonnes dĆ©coratives, ajoutant une touche de charme traditionnel. La vapeur parfumĆ©e flotte dans l'air, enveloppant l'espace d'une douce chaleur. Une pierre chauffĆ©e trĆ“ne au centre, offrant une expĆ©rience thermale relaxante. Des serviettes moelleuses et parfumĆ©es sont disposĆ©es avec soin, prĆŖtes Ć  accueillir les visiteurs. L'ensemble est imprĆ©gnĆ© d'arĆ“mes subtils d'huiles essentielles, Ć©veillant les sens. Le hammam du Palais Rhoul est un sanctuaire de dĆ©tente oĆ¹ chaque dĆ©tail est pensĆ© pour offrir une Ć©vasion luxueuse, capturant l'essence mĆŖme du bien-ĆŖtre dans le cadre exceptionnel de Dakhla.


Spa du Palais Rhoul Dakhla ... your journey to the land of the senses


Hammam, massages, black soap, ghassoul, argan ... so many terms that make you dream,

that take you on a crazy sensory experience


The Palais Rhoul Spa embodies this journey, the better it invites you


Follow the library of old books and let yourself be guided by the oriental lighting between lanterns and halos.

It all starts with an oriental ritual: we invite you to take off your shoes in order to symbolically leave your worries behind.

You will then discover your personal spa area where you will enjoy a moment of relaxation in complete privacy

or take advantage of the equipment at your disposal.

Your practitioner will then offer you an in-depth consultation and recommend you

the care corresponding exactly to your needs.



Four individual treatment areas


Heated freshwater pool facing the lagoon


Traditional oriental hammam


Fitness, massage and wellness center


Private access to the sea


Exclusively by reservation



le logo du palais rhoul dakhla
La piscine chauffĆ©e du luxueux Palais Rhoul Ć  Dakhla est une oasis de dĆ©tente par excellence. NichĆ©e au cœur d'un cadre somptueux, elle offre une expĆ©rience aquatique inoubliable. Les eaux cristallines scintillent sous le soleil du dĆ©sert, crĆ©ant une atmosphĆØre sereine et invitante. Les abords sont agrĆ©mentĆ©s de chaises longues moelleuses, invitant Ć  la relaxation. L'Ć©lĆ©gance des palmiers et des jardins luxuriants ajoute une touche tropicale Ć  cet espace de loisirs. La tempĆ©rature idĆ©ale de l'eau, maintenue de maniĆØre prĆ©cise, promet une immersion agrĆ©able, que ce soit pour une baignade revigorante ou pour se prĆ©lasser au bord de la piscine. La piscine chauffĆ©e du Palais Rhoul est bien plus qu'une simple installation ; c'est un havre de paix oĆ¹ luxe et nature se rencontrent harmonieusement, offrant aux visiteurs une escapade aquatique sans pareille.



 Traditional Moroccan Hammam 

45 min 550 Dhs/pers


The Hammam, place of rejuvenation and ultimate purity ... Let yourself be intoxicated by the heat of the hammam in a world of marble & light

subdued. Wrapped in steam, your body instantly relaxes, your muscles loosen, your movements become slower and more round.

The progressive and ultimately intense heat causes the elimination of toxins.

The black soap scrub, the clay wrap and the massage makes the skin purer than ever

and ready to fully enjoy care assets that you will provide.



Laotian massage on futon

55 min 700 Dhs 1H30 1100 Dhs


A trip ... (do not hesitate to book this treatment upstream because it is often full)



Thai futon massage

55 min 700 Dhs 1H30 1100 Dhs ( Practitioner graduated from the School of Monks of WAT PHO)


Thai massage is a holistic massage based on an energetic vision of health. He is inspired by yoga and meditation,

practiced with both dynamic and fluid stretching exercises: they are done in duet with the speaker,

in a continuous back and forth rhythm, a bit like a tango.

Authentic Massage
90 mins 2000 Dhs 120 mins 2600 Dhs
Mindful massage



Chi Nei Tsang Belly massage

30 min 600 Dhs


A massage used by Taoist monks in monasteries to help them detoxify, strengthen and refine their body,

in order to maintain a high energy level conducive to the highest levels of spiritual training.

This massage allows manual mobilization of the fascia and viscera. The therapist's precise hands relieve tension,

boost blood and lymphatic circulation, aid digestion and relieve abdominal and spinal pain. The abdomen,

“The second brain of our body” then functions harmoniously



Extreme oriental massage with cold pressed organic argan oil

55 min 550 Dhs / 700 Dhs (depending on the therapist) 1H30 800 Dhs / 1100 Dhs


This exclusive, detoxifying, draining and stimulating massage targets muscular and energetic journeys, focusing essentially on

the most sensitive areas of each person, while adhering to a long-term preventive philosophy; "The Virtuous Circle".

It provides deep and lasting relaxation. It soothes the body with slow, round movements.


4 hands massage

55 min 1000 Dhs


An energizing massage performed by four hands working in unison. Ideal choice for those who struggle to relax.

This approach gives you maximum benefits from massage.

Foot reflexology

40 min 490 Dhs (only during DETOX period)


Each part of the foot is in close relation through the nervous system with the organs of the body.

By pressure or specific massage at a specific location on the foot, the body is naturally relieved and balance is restored.



Future mom massage

55 min 700 Dhs


The positions are worked and evolve as the massage goes, Beyond a deep and beneficial relaxation, it puts particular access to the areas to be targeted with pure cold-pressed Argan oil, very rich in assets.



Draining leg massage

45 min 550 Dhs


The legs regain tone and lightness after this personalized muscle massage.



Personalized slimming massage by manual palpate and roll

30 min 550 Dhs


Recognized for its slimming and firming effects, this manual massage / palpate-roll using essential oils with lemon, cedar or grapefruit, refines the contours of the body and eliminates all toxins, leaving a refined silhouette and more supple skin. smooth.



100% SPA massage package  

2200 Dhs per person  


Exclusive therapeutic massages X 5




550 Dhs


Medical pedicure and foot beauty

700 Dhs


Facial care

800 Dhs



150 Dhs


Hair removal

100/250 Dhs








All our massage or care products are organic. The oil is based on cold-pressed organic argan to which we add different essential oils. Towels and soap are at your disposal. You will be served a Sahrawi tea or a cold drink.



Le massage au sol au luxueux Palais Rhoul Ć  Dakhla reprĆ©sente une expĆ©rience sensorielle exceptionnelle. Dans un cadre somptueux, des praticiens experts utilisent des techniques ancestrales pour procurer une dĆ©tente profonde. InstallĆ© sur des matelas confortables, le visiteur est bercĆ© par la douce musique ambiante, crĆ©ant une harmonie parfaite. Les gestes fluides et prĆ©cis des masseurs rĆ©veillent les sens, libĆ©rant les tensions du corps. Les huiles essentielles parfumĆ©es ajoutent une dimension thĆ©rapeutique, enveloppant l'esprit d'une quiĆ©tude apaisante. Ce massage au sol, dans toute sa simplicitĆ©, transcende l'ordinaire pour offrir une expĆ©rience luxueuse oĆ¹ l'art du bien-ĆŖtre fusionne avec le raffinement du Palais Rhoul, crĆ©ant un moment inoubliable de relaxation au cœur de Dakhla.
le spa bio utilise des produits bio
le logo du spa
le spa offre aussi du yoga
The Palais Rhoul Dakhla is one of the 10 best Luxury guest houses in Africa.
ali la reservation

Ali, Guest manager


Le luxueux Palais Rhoul Ć  Dakhla incarne l'Ć©lĆ©gance et l'opulence au cœur d'un paradis dĆ©sertique. Ses murs aux nuances dorĆ©es s'intĆØgrent harmonieusement avec le paysage environnant. Les jardins luxuriants, agrĆ©mentĆ©s de palmiers majestueux, crĆ©ent une atmosphĆØre tropicale dans ce sanctuaire de bien-ĆŖtre. Les chambres somptueusement dĆ©corĆ©es offrent un confort incomparable, tandis que les suites impĆ©riales tĆ©moignent d'une grandeur inĆ©galĆ©e. Le spa, vĆ©ritable joyau, invite Ć  l'apaisement avec son hammam, sa piscine chauffĆ©e, et ses massages exquis. Les saveurs raffinĆ©es du restaurant Ć©veillent les papilles, offrant une expĆ©rience culinaire d'exception. Au Palais Rhoul, chaque dĆ©tail est une ode au luxe, mariant tradition et modernitĆ© pour crĆ©er un havre exclusif oĆ¹ chaque instant devient une cĆ©lĆ©bration du raffinement au cœur de Dakhla.
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